therapeutic equine mediation association
Individual session
Horse-assisted therapy session of one hour.
For who ? disabled person or not, no age limit.
Séance de groupe
Séance d'une heure ou plus de thérapie assistée par le cheval en groupe
Pour qui ? personne en situation de handicap ou non, pas de limite d'âge.
Respite stay
Reception over a minimum of two days for people and their family or institutional companions in order to develop complicity, experiment and share in a new context.
For who ? people with or without disabilities, living in institutions or with families, no age limit.
Institutional rupture
Experiences around the horse for people accompanied in an institution in order to get out of the daily institutional framework.
For who ? people with or without disabilities, accommodated in institutions, no age limit.
For a day or more, the purpose of hosting working groups is to strengthen team spirit, cohesion, kindness and listening among colleagues.
For who ? for all.
Accueil d'intervenants extérieurs sur la relation homme cheval, le bien-être équin et humain à travers des sessions théoriques et pratiques.
Pour qui ? tout public.